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About Me

Hi there, nice to virtually meet you x

I’m Wakako, a writer / activist currently based in Tokyo. You may have seen me on some media outlets or at events as a former member of SEALDs, though I’ve spent a little less time in activism during pandemic as I spent the last three years getting my bachelor’s degree in sociology. (update : I graduated, yay!) My activism work post-SEALDs has been mainly focused on general social injustice issues in Japan such as sexism and racial injustice, etc. I’ve been making a series of zines as a part of my activism as well for the past 5 years while writing essays, columns for magazines.

For any serious inquiries, please email me at or use the contact form on this site.

​Wakako Fukuda / 福田和香子

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About Club Solitude

I started this blog in 2016, a few months after moving to Germany looking for a platform where I could tell my stories unedited. after spending what I’d call the most chaotic year of my life somewhat being near the very core part of one of the biggest social movements here, I just wanted to give myself a small space that allows me to express myself without the “outside noise” that has certainly shaped the mask I’ve put on. 

I took a break for nearly a year for a few reasons which I’m sure I’ll talk about somewhere someday, and now that I feel like writing again -I mean I never really stopped writing, I just didn’t feel safe being online putting out my words the way I used to- I decided to make this little website a safe space for myself and whoever stops by. Club Solitude is rather an imaginary collective of those that feel like they don’t belong anywhere, because I for one have always felt that way ever since I was little. but even someone who loves to spend time alone as much as I do, can not survive alone. being alone together, that’s my idea of safe space. 

Oh and if you feel unsafe reading any of my writings, well that’s likely because you’re either racist or misogynist, and you’re welcomed here if and when you ever change. ;)


※I do not make money off of this website. it really doesn’t affect my bank account in any way or form whether I have a million subscribers or none at all. with that being said, make sure to subscribe and get updates whenever I post, which I’m sure will not be too often anyways, so your inbox will not be flooded with notifications.


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